a large white boat in a large body of water
a house on a hill with a sunset in the background
a cell phone tower with the sun setting in the background
a lush green hillside with a lake in the distance
a jet flying through a blue cloudy sky

Connectivity from space for telecom operators

We envision bringing high speed / low latency connectivity anywhere in the world. Our ambition is not to connect places only, but to connect PEOPLE so anyone has a chance to benefit from the global digital revolution.

We enable telecom and mobility operators to provide universal high speed / low latency connectivity to their clients where terrestrial telecommunication networks are not available

an aerial view of a green field with a tower

Making universal connectivity a reality: powering digitalization on global markets.

a small village on a rocky island with a mountain in the background
a bulldozer is parked on a dirt road
a tall tower sitting on top of a lush green hillside
a bridge over a body of water with mountains in the background
a train traveling through a lush green forest
a large container ship in the middle of the ocean
a large jetliner flying through a blue cloudy sky
an image of a very bright star in the night sky
MEO Satellite

We contribute to universal connectivity by developing a disruptive constellation of telecommunications satellites delivering performant, sustainable, affordable broadband services anywhere on the globe.

a view of the earth from the space shuttle
VLEO Satellite

Our pioneering constellation delivers the most competitive broadband services from space


High speed, low latency on small user terminals


Unmatched mitigation of orbital debris generation and light pollution


Low cost services and user terminals
A car receiving telecommunications waves on a desert road

The next generation broadband constellation

We are developing all the key technological bricks to demonstrate end-to-end our solution in-orbit and prepare the full deployment of the constellation

For more information on our services: